Saturday, July 23, 2011


When You Need to be Strong
I look at the days ahead and wonder what they hold.
Don't we all?
And then these words make their way to my heart:
"Go in the strength you I not sending you?"
Judges 6:14
We don't have to...
wait to overcome our weaknesses,
complete the ten point improvement plan,
figure everything out.
The strength we already have is all the strength we need.
Because we have a limitless God within us who loves us.
As is.
And He promises to stick by us.
All the way.
-Holley Gerth
It never ceases to amaze me that God always gives us everything we need to complete any task we are attempting (within His will of course). It also amazes me that He uses words, thoughts, friends, family, and even strangers to help you accomplish the feat. I was thinking about how I needed to be stronger mentally and physically to accomplish this weight loss goal that I have, and I was on Facebook and read the above quote on my BFF's wall. I know God is sending me on this journey to a healthier, slimmer me and the scripture says....go in the strength you have! The strength I have is all I need! What?! That seems so easy, why do I always make it so hard? I DO believe that God is with me on this journey, so why do I try to carry everything myself? I know that Jesus always carries us when we are too weak and weary to carry ourselves so why do I resist? Human nature, that's why! I need to remember that I do have my own will too and that God is a gentleman and will not push Himself into a situation He waits to be invited! I am going to remember that this week as I step up the exercise, I will be inviting Him into every second of my day, and I will rely on the strength that I have because He is with me. I will also be depending on that strength in my everyday life as it is about to get CRAZY! My daughter begins summer school on Monday so I will be loading and unloading 1 3 year old and 2 infants into the car twice a day to get her there and pick her up, she will only go half days so I will be doing it every 3 hours! While she is there I will be feeding, dressing and changing the kiddos, doing the housework, devotions, daily bible reading etc. I will be praying I don't forget to pick her up, and that I rely on the strength I already have because Jesus will be with me every step of the way! I am looking forward to this next leg of the journey and I know I can count on you all for prayer and earthly encouragement. Well that's all for now, will write again soon. Loving my life......Toodles.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Tomorrow my friend is getting married and I waited until today to decide what I was going to wear to the wedding. Can you say not a good idea Becca?! I wanted to wear a dress or a skirt and I had some things in mind and was sure I could find something that would work. NOT!!!! I am in a weird place right now where all my old things are too big and the things I have been given from friends are too small.  I am still really out of shape and need to do some toning and I need to kick up the calorie burn a notch. Even though days like this are very disappointing they are also very motivating. I will not lie i was so mad that I started to cry! Then my loving family said something that brought me back to reality. They said not to be upset, because I have been working hard and if what I am doing isn't working the way I want it that its okay for me to find something else! So tomorrow I will be wearing dress pants and a tank top and sandals to the wedding and I will be changing it up starting Monday. You would think that this would be easier, it wasn't this hard to gain weight! I do know that it didn't come on in one day, one month or even one year so I need to turn my disappointment into patient motivation and just keep speaking to my mountain! I hope this blog is helping someone else but even if it isn't it is helping me. It gives me a place to vent and create so for all of you who read this I thank you for allowing me the opportunity. Toodles ....for now....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

In Matthew chapter 17 verses 20 and 21 we are told that we can speak to mountains and they will move if we have faith the size of a mustard seed.
 "Jesus replied: It is because you don't have enough faith! But I can promise you this. If you had faith no larger than a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there. And it would. Everything would be possible for you."
The first time I read this scripture I thought how can I move a mountain? Furthermore, why would I want to? I soon came to realize that these were not mountains like Everest and Pikes Peak, but, obstacles that keep me from the things God would have for me. Losing weight so that I would have the healthy life God intended for me is the mountain I am referring to at this point in my life! I have spoken to and moved many mountains in my past and I intend to speak to and move this one as well. The only thing I know about actual mountain climbing I have learned from my Pastor. What I know is that you don't just decide one day to climb a mountain and do it the next day. You need to prepare and have the right equipment. I also know that you don't climb a 14er on your first climb. You start small and move up. To me diet and exercise is like climbing a 14er. I need to prepare and I need the right equipment. If you tried to climb a 14er without first trying to climb something smaller and without the proper equipment how successful would you be? What are the chances that you might be injured? Well, I know the answer to both of those questions, not very successful, and highly likely! You know what's coming now right? Yep, I tried to climb that 14er with no preparation and shoddy equipment and I hurt my knee! Well what you are going to read next is me speaking to my mountain! I will move you, I will be successful, and I will not quit just because my knee is hurt. My personal trainer (Jesus) and me have regrouped and have a new plan! I will be using some new equipment that is tried and true and before you know it I will move from flat ground to hills to mountains to 14ers! I need to build up strength and get better range of motion to keep my self safe but I will take it one step at a time and I will be speaking to this mountain until it moves and move it will do! Well that's all for today.....Toodles..... 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day!

Today is Independence Day! You may ask why I would be writing on this subject, well, it is because I am celebrating my own independence! Independence means freedom, and I am celebrating my freedom! I am free from condemnation from sin, thank you Jesus! I am free from sickness, thank you Jesus! I am free from pain, thank you Jesus! I am free from the bondage of FOOD! I declare today MY independence day even though I have been free in Jesus for many years. Today I will only move forward in my quest for good health. No more backsliding, no more!
Today I will accept healing from pain in my knees, good health, self-control, strength and wisdom for my journey. Today I will inspire myself and those around me, I will encourage, and cheer for myself and those around me. Today I will begin to walk ONLY in the path Jesus has for me. Today all my excuses are behind me, and my healthy new life is before me. Jesus will be my personal trainer, my dietician, and guidance counselor. With God on my side who can be against me? I will stop sabotaging my success and start flaunting it to the world! Not for my glory but for HIS! Everything I am and will become are because
of Him!
I want to be the light in the darkness for someone else who is struggling with this same issue. I want to be the encourager the Lord has gifted me to be. I will become these things and TODAY is the day that I will begin. Today is Independence Day!........Toodles......

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Talk about getting MOTIVATED!

Last night my hubby and I double-dated with my BFF and her hubby. We went to dinner, and then went to see the movie "Soul Surfer." Good movie! I have been following the Bethany Hamilton story so I was really excited to see the movie.  I have to tell you that Bethany is an amazing girl and she was determined from the very start to turn something awful into something good. She was adamant that she WOULD surf again. I could not believe her courage and determination, but her faith, I've been there and it got her through, and it got me through as well. Okay, now the motivated part. I watched this young girl who was attacked by a shark, lost 60% of her blood, nearly died, and now has to live with one arm persevere and learn to surf again. Not only did she learn to surf again she competed and turned pro! If she can do that I can persevere through sore knees and hip pain and lose the weight I need to lose. She stood on the scripture I can do all things through Him who strengthens me, and I too am standing on that scripture, and I will succeed! It never ceases to amaze me the things that God uses to get us to understand things we are struggling with. I bought new shoes and plan to embark on a new walking adventure starting tomorrow. Thanks for always being here Lord, thanks for showing me that my life is not stuck in neutral, it is in drive and I am moving! I love you Lord and I am happy that you are my navigator on this journey called life, thanks for always bringing me back when I take a detour, thank you for never giving up even when I do! Toodles.....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Jumping for Joy!

I am so excited I am jumping for joy (well on the inside @ least). I had to visit the Dr. this week as I have not been feeling 100%. So you all know what that means, the dreaded scale. I have been struggling for a bit and really did not want to get on the scale. But, I had to, so bravely I stepped up, and much to my surprise I had lost weight. Not just a few pounds mind you but 70 lbs since last summer! Yes you read that right! 70 lbs! My blood pressure was perfect! My Dr. was very pleased and I gotta tell ya I was feeling a little proud! One nice thing about this discovery is that I am very motivated now to continue on this journey! I am gonna be pushing myself a little harder every week to get to my goal. Thank you Jesus for walking with me on this journey, you and I are unstoppable! Will be posting again after the holiday so for now have a great and safe 4th. Love you all...Toodles.....